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Queue across any device

63.5% of global ecommerce is mobile. Meet your customers where they are and cover all entry points to your infrastructure.

Create a smooth mobile experience

Overcome mobile challenges

Queue-it is built to accommodate the unique challenges of mobile queuing. Visitors keep their place in line if they leave the browser or app, lock their phones, or if their phone runs out of battery.

Virtual waiting room on mobile
Enjoy the wait

Queue on the go

Mobile queuing delivers flexibility for your customers as they wait. They can work, run errands, or drop the kids off at school while their queue status progresses, so it doesn’t feel like waiting at all. Plus, customers who start on a desktop can get an email notification when it’s their turn in line, which they can open from their mobile device.

Design with responsiveness in mind

Waiting room pages are mobile responsive, ensuring an optimal experience regardless of device.

Deconstructed mobile queue page
Queue pages shown across different devices

Get tailored control over all your traffic

Does your native app run on separate infrastructure? Do your mobile or desktop customers have higher conversion rates? Fine-tune traffic inflow to your exact needs by setting up separate waiting rooms for mobile and desktop.

Integrate into your existing setup

With Queue-it’s Connectors for mobile apps, you get the benefits of a virtual waiting room on your Android, iOS, React Native, and Cordova/Ionic-based apps.

Mobile means mobile

  • Mobile browser
  • Progressive web applications (PWAs)
  • Native apps

See the seamless experience for yourself
